We offer all feldspars in grain sizes from 25 μm to 200 μm and partly as coarse-grained products.
The development and production of bespoke raw material mixtures specially tailored to customer needs has become one of our main areas of expertise in the last two decades. This enables us to design and produce feldspar mixtures in various compositions and qualities based on customer demands.
There are only few domestic feldspar deposits in Germany to deliver the ceramics industry, and "Silbergrube" is one of the most important among them.
The "MS" feldspar is a so-called aplitic deposit which consists of fine-grained quartz-feldspar intergrowths which are highly homogeneous. The feldspar has an ideal composition of 1/3 potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) and 2/3 albite (NaAlSi3O8) with a total feldspar content of approx. 62 %.
The "Silbergrube" feldspar contains crystalline quartz as an important element which increases the mechanical strength and chemical resistance of the ceramic products.
Feldspar as a flux melts early and vitrifies, without bubbles or pores. Its chemical and mineralogical composition meets the requirements especially in the production of wall and floor tiles as well as construction ceramics and sanitary ware since the flux effect is not too aggressive, but by adding feldspar, a highly viscous melting phase is achieved which does not adversely affect the stability of the body during firing.
To make sure that there are sufficient deposits in the "Silbergrube", we routinely conduct extensive prospecting surveys. The drilling results and countless mineralogical, chemical and physical investigations ensure that "Silbergrube" feldspar will be available in the long term in consistently high quality.
"MS" feldspar is processed and supplied according to customer requirements in terms of grain size, grinding fineness and screening.
The DKF-MS is potassium feldspar with low iron content and high potassium content. It is mainly used for glass and ceramic applications (especially in glazes).
We provide DKF-MS in different qualities. Depending on quality and cost requirements, we can produce DKF-MS mixtures with a custom potassium content agreed on with the customer.